OUTDATED. This driver was implemented in Inspector 2019.2 onwards as 'LeCroy (headless)'. This driver should no longer be used.

DISCLAIMER: EXPERIMENTAL. The attached driver was not extensively tested, and should not be considered final. This is not a release made by Riscure, but rather a hobby project of one of its employees. This is provided as-is, is not guaranteed to work, and no official support is provided. 


As of Inspector 2018.3, VISA support for Tektronix scopes has been included. This means that it is now also possible to use VISA for LeCroy. Note that this is experimental functionality, without official Riscure support. Note that installing this does not remove the original driver or functionality. If you don't like the VISA driver, you can always switch back to the original implementation without having to remove anything.


To install, please follow these installation instructions:

1) To use VISA LXI, download and install the NI VISA driver: http://www.ni.com/nl-nl/support/downloads/drivers/download.ni-visa.html 

2) Copy the attached patch jar to the Inspector lib folder (e.g. C:\Program Files\Inspector-2018.3\lib)

Adding a LeCroy

To add the LeCroy in Inspector, follow these steps:

1) Make sure the LeCroy is connected properly in the network, and you can send a ping from the PC to the LeCroy IP address

2) On the LeCroy, set LXI/VXI mode by going to "Utilities" > "Utilities Setup", in the utilities window select "Remote" and there select "LXI/VXI11"

3) start the "NI MAX" app (installed when installing the VISA driver)

4) Go to "My System" > "Devices and Interfaces" > "Network Devices"

4a) If the scope is not added automatically, select "Add Network Device" > "VISA TCP/IP Resource" from the window to the right

4b) Select "Auto-detect of LAN Instrument" and click "Next"

4c) Select the LeCroy from the list and click "Finish". 

5) Close the NI MAX app

6) Open Inspector and go to "Tools" > "Hardware Manager"

7) Click "Add device..." > "ActiveDSO"

8) In the popup:

8a) Name: <Anything you like>

8b) Hostname: The LeCroy IP address

8c) Interface: Select VISA_VXI11

8d) Click OK

Using a LeCroy

To use the LeCroy with VISA in Inspector, follow these steps:

I) On the LeCroy, CLOSE the Inspector Server. It is not required for VISA.

II) Open any Acquisition module and select the new LeCroy in Measurement Setup

III) Note that you are not limited to two channels. All channels of the scope can be used at the same time (maximum frequency limitations may apply depending on the device version)